For our dear visitors we created a very awesome and professional social sharing widget for blogger which can you add below every post of your blog and it works perfectly with blogger and you can also add it on your other websites like Wordpress, Joomla, Webs, etc. This Widget contains a spinning effect on mouse hover.
Add Social Sharing Ice Cube Widget :
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'/>
- If you can't find above code then Search below code
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
- Now Paste Below Code Just After after it.
Css Style Code :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <style> p#socialicons img { -moz-transition:all .7s ease-in-out; -webkit-transition:all .7s ease-in-out; -o-transition:all .7s ease-in-out; -ms-transition:all .7s ease-in-out; transition:all .7s ease-in-out; } p#socialicons img:hover { -moz-transform:rotate(50deg); -webkit-transform:rotate(50deg); -o-transform:rotate(50deg); -ms-transform:rotate(50deg); transform:rotate(50deg); } </style> <center><p id='socialicons'> <a expr:href='"" + data:post.url + "&t=" + data:post.title' rel='external nofollow' target='_blank'><img border='0' src='' title='Share on Facebook'/></a> <a expr:href='"" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='external nofollow' target='_blank'><img border='0' src='' title='Share on Twitter'/></a> <a expr:href='"" + data:post.url' rel='external nofollow' target='_blank'><img border='0' src='' title='Share on Digg'/></a> </p></center></b:if>