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Top 10 Earner and Best Blogs and Blogger website in India - 2013 By Digital Hub Inc.

Top 10 Indian blogs and bloggers who are earning big bucks by blogging are actually trendsetter for Indian bloggers and inspiration for millions of bloggers all around the World. They rules the roost in blogosphere. They dictates authority in their niche.
They work from their home, in their own time, express their thoughts independently, freakout in their free time and finally “ Live their Life King Size ” earning big money consistently. Their biodata, blogging activities and rise in the blogging arena truly inspire newbie bloggers of India and Worldwide.
I have compiled the earnings data of the top 10 blogs in India by considering or analyzing the below parameters. Income from offline activities are excluded.

Recommended Reading: 

  1. Google AdSense, BuySellAds or likes
  2. Affiliate income
  3. Personal feedback
  4. Page views, CTR, Google PR/AlexaClick Me

1# Blog  Founder: Zimbio
Site Information for  Get Details :-
Alexa Traffic Rank: 391   Traffic Rank in IN: 130
Sites Linking In: 90,892
Ugly Stat Info : has a global traffic ranking of 391 in the world. This site is estimated worth of US Dollar $ 21,292,200.00 and have a daily income of around $ 19,715.00 US Dollar. 
Alexa Info :'s three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 391. This site has been online since 2005. Visitors to this site view 4.9 unique pages each day on average. The time spent in a typical visit to it is about two minutes, with 21 seconds spent on each pageview. While is ranked #130 in India, where roughly 29% of its visitors are located, it is also popular in Pakistan, where it is ranked #119

2# Blog  Founder: Amit Agarwal

Site Information for  Get Details :-
Alexa Traffic Rank: 2,228   Traffic Rank in IN: 374
 Sites Linking In: 10,147
Ugly Stat Info has a global traffic ranking of 2,228 in the world. This site is estimated worth of US Dollar $3,736,800.00 and have a daily income of around $ 3,460.00 US Dollar.

Alexa Info : is ranked #2,228 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Compared with the overall internet population, the site's users are disproportionately Asian, and they are disproportionately childless, less affluent men under the age of 35 who have postgraduate educations. The site has a bounce rate of about 64% (i.e., 64% of visits consist of only one pageview). The site's visitors view 2.0 unique pages each day on average. The fraction of visits to referred by search engines is about 21%
About Author : Mr. Amit Agarwal is the undisputed king of Indian blogosphere. Basically, he blogs about Science and Technology in his blog called Digital Inspiration. An engineer of Computer Science from IIT (Indian Institute of Technology), worked for Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch, Amit quits his job in 2004 to become India’s first and only professional blogger. He has been the winner of MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award by Microsoft for 5 consecutive years( 2007-2011). His India Blog School is a true guide for newbie bloggers. His blog is the 1st top earning blog in India.

3# Blog  Editor in Chief: Ravi Kumar

Site Information for  Get Details :-
Alexa Traffic Rank: 3,055   Traffic Rank in IN: 206
Sites Linking In: 369 
Ugly Stat Info : has a global traffic ranking of 3,055 in the world. This site is estimated worth of US Dollar $ 2,724,840.00 and have a daily income of around $ 2,523.00 US Dollar. 

Alexa Info : is ranked #3,055 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Relative to the overall population of internet users, this site's audience tends to be under the age of 25; they are also disproportionately childless men earning less than $30,000 who browse from work. Search engines refer roughly 5% of visits to this site. The site has a bounce rate of approximately 33% (i.e., 33% of visits consist of only one pageview). Almost all visitors to come from India, where it has attained a traffic rank of 206.
About Author : Ravi Kumar's Overview
Current : Director at Gratica Labs Pvt Ltd
Past : Web Developer at ACS Informatics Pvt. Ltd.
Education :National Institute of Industrial Engineering ,JSS Academy of technical education, Noida

4# Blog Name: desidime 
Founder: Desi Dime
Site Information for desidime  Get Details :-
Alexa Traffic Rank: 3,438   Traffic Rank in IN: 235
Sites Linking In: 487 
Ugly Stat Info : desidime has a global traffic ranking of 3,438 in the world. This site is estimated worth of US Dollar $ 2,421,360.00 and have a daily income of around $ 2,242.00 US Dollar has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 3,438. The time spent in a typical visit to the site is approximately six minutes, with 34 seconds spent on each pageview. The site is particularly popular among users in the city of Ahmedabad (where it is ranked #75), and visitors to the site view 6.3 unique pages each day on average. has attained a traffic rank of 235 among users in India, where almost all its audience is located.

5# Blog  Founder:Harsh Agrawal

Site Information for  Get Details :-
Alexa Traffic Rank: 3,990   Traffic Rank in IN: 413
Sites Linking In: 3,417 
Ugly Stat Info : has a global traffic ranking of 4,003 in the world. This site is estimated worth of US Dollar $ 2,080,080.00 and have a daily income of around $ 1,926.00 US Dollar.
Alexa Info : is ranked #3,990 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Approximately 66% of this site's visitors are in India, where it has attained a traffic rank of 413. The site has a bounce rate of about 55% (i.e., 55% of visits consist of only one pageview). The time spent in a typical visit to is about three minutes, with 59 seconds spent on each pageview. Compared with internet averages, the site's audience tends to be Asian; it also appeals more to less affluent, childless men under the age of 25 who browse from home.
About Author : Harsh Agrawal quits his job from IT firm Convergys and became a full time professional blogger in Sep 2008. He writes about blogging, WordPress, SEO and technology. Apart from blogging he offers plenty of blogging related services on ShoutMeLoud. Besides blogging he loves traveling. His blog is the 5th top earning blog in India.

6# Blog   Founder: Free Job Alert

Site Information for  Get Details :-
Alexa Traffic Rank: 4,047   Traffic Rank in IN: 258
Sites Linking In: 851 

Ugly Stat Info : has a global traffic ranking of 4,047 in the world. This site is estimated worth of US Dollar $ 2,057,400.00 and have a daily income of around $ 1,905.00 US Dollar. 
Alexa Info : is ranked #4,047 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. The site has attained a traffic rank of 258 among users in India, where almost all its audience is located. The fraction of visits to it referred by search engines is about 16%. The site's visitors view an average of 4.4 unique pages per day. is particularly highly ranked in the cities of Hyderabad (#169), Jaipur (#208), and Delhi (#235)

7# Blog 

 Founder: Varun Krishnan
Site Information for  Get Details :-
Alexa Traffic Rank: 4,489   Traffic Rank in IN: 398
Sites Linking In: 2,094 
Ugly Stat Info : has a global traffic ranking of 4,632 in the world. This site is estimated worth of US Dollar $ 1,797,120.00 and have a daily income of around $ 1,664.00 US Dollar.
Alexa Info :'s three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 4,489. Search engines refer roughly 22% of visits to the site. The time spent in a typical visit to the site is approximately two minutes, with 47 seconds spent on each pageview.'s visitors view 2.2 unique pages each day on average. Roughly 83% of visitors to the site come from India, where it has attained a traffic rank of 398

About Author : Founder and Chief Editor

Varun Krishnan – posts by Varun
He is a big fan of gadgets and mobile phones and is in his mission of finding the ‘perfect phone’ He is also founder of Mobile Monday Chennai Chapter.

8# Blog  Founder: Srinivas Tamada
Site Information for  Get Details :-
Alexa Traffic Rank: 8,094   Traffic Rank in IN: 1,014
Sites Linking In: 1,247 

Ugly Stat Info : has a global traffic ranking of 8,115 in the world. This site is estimated worth of US Dollar $ 1,026,000.00 and have a daily income of around $ 950.00 US Dollar.
Alexa Info :'s three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 8,094. Approximately 45% of visits to this site are bounces (one pageview only), and about 51% of visitors to it come from India, where it has attained a traffic rank of 1,014. Compared with internet averages, the site's users are disproportionately male, and they tend to be childless, less affluent Asians under the age of 35 who have postgraduate educations.'s visitors view an average of 3.1 unique pages per day. Show Less
About Author : Srinivas started blogging in 2009 and founded He usually blogs about programming, social media and technology.His blog is the 10th top earning blog in India.                       

9# Blog  Founder: Quick Online Tips

Site Information for  Get Details :-
Alexa Traffic Rank: 8,973   Traffic Rank in IN: 1,939
Sites Linking In: 5,161 

Ugly Stat Info : has a global traffic ranking of 8,973 in the world. This site is estimated worth of US Dollar $ 927,720.00 and have a daily income of around $ 859.00 US Dollar. 
Alexa Info : is ranked #8,973 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Approximately 41% of this site's visitors are in India, where it has attained a traffic rank of 1,939. It is particularly popular among users in the cities of Bangalore (where it is ranked #1,561) and Pune (#1,637). The site has been online for more than seven years. Approximately 69% of visits to are bounces (one pageview only)

Technology news, blogging tips, useful computer software and web 2.0 services.


10# Blog  Founder: Srinivas Tamada

Site Information for  Get Details :-
Alexa Traffic Rank: 9,794   Traffic Rank in IN: 2,033
Sites Linking In: 1,615 
Ugly Stat Info : has a global traffic ranking of 9,794 in the world. This site is estimated worth of US Dollar $ 849,960.00 and have a daily income of around $ 787.00 US Dollar. 

Alexa Info : There are 9,793 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than, and the site is based in India. Visitors to this site view 2.1 unique pages each day on average. has a bounce rate of approximately 58% (i.e., 58% of visits consist of only one pageview). Compared with all internet users, the site appeals more to men; its visitors also tend to consist of less affluent, childless Asians under the age of 25 who browse from home

About Author : The Great Blog about Android started and maintained by the great Indian blogger named Amit Bhawani. Once again Amit Bhawani has show that he is really a great Indian blogger this time not with the Tech Advices and Listed in the top ten Indian blogger list by a new blog is not easy task. Androidadvies is a great blog about Android in the whole blog sphere. This blog is only one or more year old and listed in Top ten Indian blog list.

Full List of Top 25 Website in India : -

1.Site Information for  Get Details :

  Alexa Traffic Rank: 391   Traffic Rank in IN: 130

  Sites Linking In: 90,892 

2.Site Information for  Get Details :

  Alexa Traffic Rank: 2,228   Traffic Rank in IN: 374

  Sites Linking In: 10,147 

3.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 3,055   Traffic Rank in IN: 206
  Sites Linking In: 369 

4.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 3,438   Traffic Rank in IN: 235
  Sites Linking In: 487 

5.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 3,990   Traffic Rank in IN: 413
  Sites Linking In: 3,417 

6.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 4,047   Traffic Rank in IN: 258
  Sites Linking In: 851 

7.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 4,489   Traffic Rank in IN: 398
  Sites Linking In: 2,094 

8.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 8,094   Traffic Rank in IN: 1,014
  Sites Linking In: 1,247 

9.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 8,973   Traffic Rank in IN: 1,939
  Sites Linking In: 5,161 

10.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 9,794   Traffic Rank in IN: 2,033
  Sites Linking In: 1,615 

11.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 9,985   Traffic Rank in IN: 632
  Sites Linking In: 275 

12.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 10,338   Traffic Rank in IN: 2,329
  Sites Linking In: 9,676 

14.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 10,848   Traffic Rank in IN: 1,277
  Sites Linking In: 849 

15.Site Information for  Get Details : 
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 15,930   Traffic Rank in IN: 1,364
  Sites Linking In: 1,604 

16.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 15,988   Traffic Rank in IN: 23,353
  Sites Linking In: 1,893 

17.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 16,320   Traffic Rank in IN: 4,740
  Sites Linking In: 2,077 

18.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 16,594   Traffic Rank in IN: 3,576
  Sites Linking In: 7,972 

19.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 18,145   Traffic Rank in IN: 5,378
  Sites Linking In: 5,253 

20.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 18,890   Traffic Rank in US: 32,841
  Sites Linking In: 1,543
21.Site Information for  Get Details : 
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 19,780   Traffic Rank in IN: 1,256
  Sites Linking In: 293 

22.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 22,034   Traffic Rank in IN: 3,478
  Sites Linking In: 2,515 

23.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 28,519   Traffic Rank in IN: 7,029
  Sites Linking In: 1,875 

24.Site Information for  Get Details : 
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 30,625   Traffic Rank in IN: 4,340
  Sites Linking In: 1,247 

25.Site Information for  Get Details :
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 43,666   Traffic Rank in IN: 10,237
  Sites Linking In: 6,107 


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